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Frank Vitz, CG Supervisor For EA, Guest Writes for MTBS!

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:19 pm
by PressBot
We have a special guest writer, today!


Meant to be Seen is very honored to accept an editorial written by Frank Vitz, Senior Art Director and CG Supervisor for Electronic Arts.  Frank has earned a name for himself at every stage of his career. He cut his teeth on the first Tron movie, worked on the special effects for the first two X-Men movies, and is a respected pioneer and inventor in the gaming industry. Just about everyone has been touched by Frank’s work - including Spider-Man in stereoscopic 3D.

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Frank Vitz, CG Supervisor For EA, Guest Writes for MTBS!

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:40 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

We have a special guest writer today!

Frank Vitz, CG Supervisor, Electronic Arts


Meant to be Seen is very honored to accept an editorial written by Frank Vitz, Senior Art Director and CG Supervisor for Electronic Arts.  Frank has earned a name for himself at every stage of his career. He cut his teeth on the first Tron movie, worked on the special effects for the first two X-Men movies, and is a respected pioneer and inventor in the gaming industry. Just about everyone has been touched by Frank’s work – including Spider-Man in stereoscopic 3D.