Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by PressBot »

Now THIS is what MTBS is about!


Special thanks to Andres Hernandes (Cybereality) for putting this introductory video together on how gamers can start to enjoy stereoscopic 3D gaming with the help of a pair of analglyph glasses and free 3D drivers.  More than that, he is planning to mail out a free pair of glasses to anyone who wants them, as long as supplies last and it is feasible to do so.
Read full article...
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Re: Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by cybereality »

Oh wow, thanks for the write-up. But you could have used a shot of me posing with my stylish Anachrome aviators!! LOL!!! Seriously though, its cool to get some attention. Hopefully this will help raise some awareness about 3D gaming on the PC, and maybe convert a few people that may be interested but haven't tried it. And yes, I am not sure how long I will be running the promotion, it depends on the response. At the moment I have a set of 50 glasses, but I can easily order more from my supplier in China for dirt cheap. The only problem would be if there is a big response from the international community as shipping worldwide can get expensive quick. It may cost $1 or $2 for me to ship to, say, Japan. So if I get a million people requesting glasses from Japan, obviously I can't afford that. But I doubt there will be that huge a response. I guess we will see.
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Re: Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by cybereality »

Yeah, and I chose to use the iz3D driver because it is the most universal solution with the best compatibility. I did not want to confuse newbies by mentioning the Nvidia 3D Discover driver, which only work on Nvidia cards and Vista/7. Plus the half-color mode on the Nvidia Discover I don't think looks as good as standard red/cyan. The DDD driver is cool, and I did use it to record that Assassin's Creed footage, but I find the driver to not be user-friendly and compatibility is not as good as iz3D. So this may have just complicated things. If people liked what they saw on iz3D then they could make their way to this forum and hopefully find out about other options.
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Re: Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by Neil »

Hi Cyber!

I think your videos and efforts are very helpful, which is why I put them on the front page. MTBS is very lucky to have talented members like yourself contributing work like this. YuriyTheBest and Wheatstone Holmes also gets regularly featured. I'd like to see editorials submitted too. There are some great posts in the forums, but they are deeply hidden among thousands of other posts. I think it would be amazing if members could write formal articles and let us publish them on the front page. Things like that get me very excited! :D

I can't agree with the remarks about the stereoscopic 3D drivers. I understand why you didn't go with Nvidia because of their unique anaglyph implementation, however I can't confirm the lower compatibility with DDD compared to iZ3D. While iZ3D has an increasingly competitive solution, I can't confirm a pattern suggesting compatibility with more games than DDD or anything like that. I avoid endorsing video game compatibility lists (e.g. we have 400 profiles, and you have 100!) because that's a marketing move and holds little meaning. We are going to be upgrading M3GA in the near future - as members continue to use this, we will start to see some meaningful trends that hold up to public scrutiny.

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Re: Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by Likay »

Tridef is definitely getting better in compability. However i agree with Cybereality about their general compability. Using the iz3d-driver gives more chances to run direct with a random game while tridef doesn't seem to work outside their supported game list. Tridef are generally better than iz3d in one regard though: The supported games in most cases looks better with tridef (less to no artifacts) than iz3d with a direct comparison. However iz3d is my most used driver because it doesn't slow down games so much. My system is a bit aged though but iz3d performs better with it.
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Re: Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by Dom »

Thats real cool of you cybereality. Your gonna be famous I know it. You know alot about stereo3d and ever since I been a member here you have shown to be knowledgable and inviting along with other steady members. I would not have experienced 3d gaming and movies if this site was not available because I would not have known what to buy or how to set it up. Even though I grumble about 3d :lol:

Anyways now I want to get some glasses for my sister's family. Just the same idea you have for introducing 3d to your family without having to go and get a modern system. Just be able to playback a 3d movie on a normal 60hz television and computer.

My question is if I buy glasses that say they are *red/blue cyan* does that mean they work for both or are the blue gonna look "off" in 3d when you choose red/cyan. I know you can pick different colors in stereoscopic player and this topic has been discussed before, but I totally forget and want to make sure I order the right pair. I am looking at buying these glasses at ebay. ... 336263bb5d" onclick=";return false;
I know you recommend pro ana glasses but I am just looking for something to test out for under 7 dollars. So is red/blue just as good of 3d effect as red/cyan , cyan's not blue is it? I am totally lost on this kind of setup.
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Re: Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by cybereality »

@Neil: Well I think the DDD solution is actually very good but I thought iz3D was a better all-around choice for beginners. On DDD the games with specific profiles actually seem to look better than both iz3D and Nvidia, with less anomalies and greater 3D effects. However there are a number of games I tried that would not work at all (like you will see a crazy swirl of psychedelic colors, I know you've seen it). Thats not the experience I want newbies to have. Sure you may be able to tweak some option and fix it, or download a profile on the forum, but it becomes a more advanced process. With Nvidia, and iz3d to a lesser degree, the games usually look alright the first time with default settings. And I was only going to pick one, so it ended up being iz3D. They are also a lot more receptive to the stereoscopic community and I have gotten direct responses from their developers and CEO. So I was much more inclined to send people to their website and promote their product (even if it is free for anaglyph mode). But DDD does have an increasingly competitive solution. I do agree on that.

@Dom: Red/blue or red/blue-cyan is certainly compatible with standard red/cyan content. From what I have heard it seems the red/blue works better with monochrome content, while red/cyan gives richer colors with standard full color anaglyph (but with increased retinal rivalry). I do have some red/blue glasses and they look OK, but I still think straight red/cyan is the best choice overall. The red/blue-cyan glasses will probably be OK, they should still work fine with any standard anaglyph content. However if you can find some regular red/cyan glasses that is probably the best thing as it will be the most compatible with existing content and give a reasonable color experience.
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Re: Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by 3Djinn »

How do you send a PM on this site? AKA youtube TheMysticalDjinn
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Re: Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by cybereality »

There is a tiny "PM" button underneath each post (to the right of the date). You can click that to send a PM. You can also contact me on YouTube, which is what most people are doing.
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Game in Stereoscopic 3D For FREE!

Post by Neil »

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Now THIS is what MTBS is about!

Andres Hernandez (Cybereality)

Special thanks to Andres Hernandes (Cybereality) for putting this introductory video together on how gamers can start to enjoy stereoscopic 3D gaming with the help of a pair of analglyph glasses and free 3D drivers.  More than that, he is planning to mail out a free pair of glasses to anyone who wants them, as long as supplies last and it is feasible to do so.

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