Engadget 'looks at' Vuzix's iWear AV310

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Engadget 'looks at' Vuzix's iWear AV310

Post by yuriythebest »

http://www.engadget.com/2008/10/09/eyes ... #c14759982

can't really call this 'news' but some nice photos of it :)

also a question from me: I think I heard somewhere that it uses it's own home made drivers?
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Post by Silversurfer »

Do these things even working 3-D? This guy seems to think so at Engadget.com comments on this thread,

"Starnerf @ Sep 17th 2008 10:05AM 'If y ... stereo.'"

Anyone vouch for these (or similar) types of eyewear being good in stereo 3-D mode? At this price I suppose it's worth a punt? any thoughts appreciated. :-)

Sorry haven't got a clue how to add the URL, so here it is in full, http://www.engadget.com/2008/09/17/vuzi ... creen-hmd/
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Post by CarlKenner »

Obviously there is no crosstalk on a stereoscopic HMD (except maybe Headplay which works differently), no filters cutting out half the light, no interlacing, no red and blue lenses, no shutter flickering, no limit to viewing angle, and no contradictory motion-parallax effect when you move your head sideways.

So in that sense it is excellent stereo.

Since there is no monitor screen, popout effects don't look so impressive because there is nothing for them to pop out of. But that is more because the stereo is too good and it just seems real rather than a gimmick.

But it does have a lag half the time between when it shows each eye, which hurts the stereo effect when you have fast moving objects. It also sometimes has tearing at the top of the screen if it is not set up properly in the game. There are also other problems because the lenses aren't adjustable so it is hard for some people to get them lined up properly for both eyes. And there are non-stereo-related problems with the image sometimes.

Vuzix have their own stereo driver (which only works on their glasses unfortunately), but they also supplement it by writing mods for some games. For example, Doom 3 doesn't work with their driver (and not with iZ3D's driver either) because it's OpenGL, so Vuzix made a Doom 3 mod which adds stereo (and headtracking). It is transparent to the user whether they are using a mod or the driver, since they are both normally started through the iWear Monitor program.

Only the VR series work with Vuzix's stereo drivers and the PC. The AV series

By the way... this AV310 looks like it has adjustment wheels for each eye, and a new nosepiece, and improved earphones. Pretty cool.
But I don't like widescreen, or "dwarfscreen" as I prefer to call it.

EDIT: from the other article, it is clear that the screen size is SMALLER than the 4:3 VR920. So you can see why I mock people who want a widescreen aspect ratio. Just stick something over the top and bottom of the 4:3 screen to get the same effect.
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Post by Silversurfer »

Thank you for your quick and comprehensive reply, it's more than I could have expected. :-)
CarlKenner wrote:Obviously there is no crosstalk etc.....So in that sense it is excellent stereo......But it does have a lag half the time between when it shows each eye.
So in one way the guy in the article was correct, some aspects of this application of the 3-D technology automatically lends itself to "excellent stereo". It also seems that they need to up the refresh rate to get rid of the lag effects you talked about? I'll keep a close eye on this particular manufacturer especially because of their game specific mods.
CarlKenner wrote:Only the VR series work with Vuzix's stereo drivers and the PC. The AV series.

Also if I read correctly it seems that I would need a pair of the VR series PC specific gaming and a pair of the AV series for my multimedia entertainment pleasure?

One thing I did notice is that in my daily bloggs RSS newsfeeds over the last eight years Vuzix's seem to be the only manufacturerer that are consistently updating their products to the extent that they make most of the top quality bloggs inbox's for regular readers consumption, or are they just good at getting their message out there? would you recommend any other manufacturer of VR headwear that falls into this price bracket?

Which manufacturers models do you own or have experience with? Any help appreciated as I was just about to go the iZ3D 22 inch monitor route when I read this article, so you can appreciate my dilemma. Do I go for a monitor or a headset in your opinion?

Sorry for all the questions in a "user contributed stereo graphic 3-D news announcements" section but your excellent summary of this technology just naturally led me to ask these questions, so I blame you, it's all your fault, LOL

Once again thank you and Cheers from Manchester UK, 'in'it' :-)
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Post by CarlKenner »

The consumer priced stereoscopic HMDs for PC that I know of are:
Vuzix VR920, eMagin Z800, TDVision TDVisor, and the HeadPlay.

There may well be others, I don't know.

Only the first two have head-tracking (rotation only), and a built-in microphone. The others are just displays. You will need a SIXAXIS+charge cable, Wiimote + Wii Motion Plus, or gyroscopic mouse to use for headtracking if you get a TDVisor or HeadPlay.

The stereo support on the eMagin Z800 was killed by nvidia. The Z800 only supports Nvidia stereo with the signal on the VGA pin. They had no way of knowing Nvidia would abandon them, and there was nothing they could do. The Z800 also had no software support except built-in mouse emulation. So the Z800 isn't doing too well today, and the price has gone up and the support has gone down.

TDVisor are suffering from the current financial situation, and have had to put off mass-production. So you would have to wait if you want to go with them. They have higher resolutions, and they use two VGA ports.

HeadPlay is an interesting thing. Rather than being something to plug into your video iPod, it IS a video iPod. It is designed as a portable stereoscopic video player, but it also supports Nvidia stereo and frame sequential stereo on the PC. It only has one 800x600 screen and switches it between each eye like shutter glasses.

Whether you go for a screen or a HMD depends on how keen you are about Virtual Reality, and whether you like to watch videos in bed. There are lots of issues about HMD optics that can be very annoying and uncomfortable, and they make you cybersick, and they are low resolution. And having a display that moves with your head feels weird for 2D work. Nobody would use the VR920 for work, only for gaming. I don't know what the display quality is like for the other HMDs, but for the VR920 it can be blurry around the edges if you don't have your eyes lined up right, and the colour depth is less than 24 bit. If you get a VR920 you will use it sometimes for playing some games when you can be bothered to get it out and set it up. But if you get an iZ3D monitor, I'm guessing you will just always use it as it is very convenient.

If you really like the idea of Virtual Reality and plan on standing up and holding a wiimote and nunchuk in your hands and switching off the lights and playing first person games immersively but not competitively, then you should get a HMD. Or if you like watching you-tube videos or movies in bed at night, or if you like watching porn videos or violent movies on the bus/train, then you should get a HMD. But otherwise you would probably prefer a 3D monitor or projector.

I got my VR920 for free, so I am biased. But I do like playing first person or even third person 3D games standing up with a HMD.
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Post by cybereality »

Silversurfer wrote:Any help appreciated as I was just about to go the iZ3D 22 inch monitor route when I read this article, so you can appreciate my dilemma. Do I go for a monitor or a headset in your opinion?
I'd say go with the iz3D. The VR920 is alright, but there are some comfort issues and many times its not worth the hassle to get geared up. Don't get me wrong, its a nice device but with a limited appeal. Its not really good for anything except stereo3d gaming. The iz3d is a safer bet.
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Post by StereoGaming4Me »

I haven't tried the Vuzix vr920, but I do have an emagin z800 which has perfect ghostless stereo and head tracking. The headtracking is more painful to use then fun with instant headaches so I never use it.. but the 3D experience is like that of the old Nintendo Virtual Boy. Wished I'd picked up more then one z800 when they were at $549. They bumped the price back up to $1495 or so hoping they would sell like hotcakes at that price AFTER selling them at $549.

To date, I've tried the old CRT/shutterglasses, the z800, an iz3d monitor, a DIY planar, S3D on a samsung HD DLP, and have seen passive projection at the shrek 3D ride at Universal Studios. The passive projection was the best 3D where you can reach out and touch holographic images but not very portable. Of the other solutions, I've found the z800 to have the best 3D with no flicker/crosstalk at all. Only problem is the screens being magnified and that part of it causing a headache - you definitely want to take a break every 15 - 20 mins when using the z800, ergo its built in timer cut-off switch.

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