This is really long overdue! The MTBS team is pleased to reveal the latest version of Vireio Perception. However, this isn’t just about releasing a new driver, it’s about launching a new driver community.
For those unfamiliar, Vireio Perception are VR drivers that let you take existing games, and play them with VR devices like the Oculus Rift. It’s not as good as a true native implementation, but we can get pretty darned close at times. These drivers are free, open source, and put together by volunteers. Every helping hand is welcome.
First the driver:
Feature enhancements:
- Game Image Resizing possible with CTRL-Mouse Wheel or CTRL + / – for stepped output.
- VR Mouse Toggle creates a second mouse pointer for accurate HUD pointing (CTRL-NumPad 0)
- Image Offset / IPD Compensation with CTRL-SHIFT-Mouse Wheel
- VR Boost Toggle button with user defined key.
- RiftUp Add-on Support (precursor to Oculus Rift DK2 Support). Allows HD output from Vireio Perception.
New Games
- Borderlands
- Dirt 3
- Fallout 3 (much improved)
- Left4Dead 2
- Sir, You Are Being Hunted (Without VR Boost)
In the case of Dirt 3, it’s important to toggle VR boost OFF at the end of each race or your game can easily crash!
Bug Fixes
- SensorFusion
- Various Bug Fixes / Enhancements to the Profiler
- SharedMemoryTracker
- Vireio Perception and Profiler can now only have one instance open at a time
Now the community!
While MTBS continues to host the Vireio Perception VR drivers, we really felt it necessary to build a site more conducive to growing Vireio’s following and being more attractive to prospective developers and contributors. Here are some highlights to what we have done:
- Tadah! We have a Vireio Perception microsite on MTBS.
- We have built a public Vireio Perception Trello board so users can see our progess to date.
- Dedicated Vireio Perception Facebook and Twitter pages.
- New forum section to discuss game by game support in an organized manner.
- We are experimenting with no longer requiring registration for Vireio Perception downloads. We are interested to see if this stimulates community participation with Vireio development.