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Friend to Friend Referral Network Improved Based on YOUR Feedback!

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Based on some feedback from users, we have updated the referral network section of the website in the “Member Benefits” section. We think you will find the text to be clearer, the introductory letter that is emailed will be more attractive, and we think these updates will make the program even more successful. Your input and ideas are valued, so please continue to post in our forums, send email via our “contact us” link, and share your thoughts on our Ventrilo voice chat system.

First Advisory Board Member Announced! New Anti-SPAM Measures in Place!

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Meant to be Seen is very proud to announce that Dave Polcino, President of “” and “” has accepted our first advisory board position. Dave is a successful independent game developer, and has a very colorful background. Outside of the gaming industry, he has also done animatics work for the popular TV show “Family Guy” on FOX, and “Mission Hill” for The WB and the Cartoon Network. You can learn more about his career and his MTBS involvement in our PRESS section, and by visiting his innovative websites.

Like all popular forums, we too are getting regular SPAM bots that are posting inappropriate content. In addition to taking some behind the scenes measures, we have also recruited multiple moderators to assist in deleting these unwanted messages.

Please come back regularly – there are some new and exciting developments expected this week, and your involvement will really make a positive difference!

First Round of Certifications! First Game Server! BRAND NEW DISCOUNT PROGRAM!

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It?s a big day at Meant to be Seen! Preview our first industry certification results in the “Certification Results” page. Read how the videogame consumers are responding to stereoscopic 3D technologies in the “Press Section”, and join our NEW ranked, low ping “Battlefield 2” game server in the “Member Benefits” section. Did I mention the password protected Ventrilo server for registered users???

As exciting as all this is, here is the BIG news of the day. After serious negotiations with the iZ3D marketing team, we are now able to offer a 10% pre-order discount on the upcoming iZ3D 22″ monitor. Not good enough for you? Use our friend to friend referral network, get five of your gaming friends to join for free, and save a full $210 off the monitor?s retail price of $999. This is the BEST discount iZ3D has ever offered on this product. If you have already pre-ordered your monitor, you can still take advantage of this new program, and get the greater of the two discounts. Regardless of your interest in the monitor, please use the referral service as much as possible. The more members we have, the more positive an impact we will have in the gaming industry. Your friends do not need to own a stereoscopic 3D solution to benefit from MTBS. Thanks again for your kind support!

Discount Expiring & New Download Section Open

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The $180 discount program for the upcoming iZ3D 22″ Stereoscopic 3D monitor has been a tremendous success, and we thank you all for participating. Please remember that the discount will be expiring today. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of this offer while it is available. We have also opened an initial download section, and this will be greatly enhanced over time.

Meant to be Seen Stereoscopic 3D Programming Guide Released Online!

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We are pleased to report that our presence at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco was a resounding success. Almost a thousand MTBS Stereoscopic 3D programming guides were distributed, and industry adoption is well under way. The guide was so popular, the booth had to replenish materials the first day! It is now available as a free PDF download to all members. Read more in our “Press” section, and download the guide by clicking here!

Our testers are also hard at work on getting initial certification results ready. Please come back regularly for the latest updates, and post in our forums so we can prioritize the games we test according to your needs.