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GameGradeVR Certification Categories

By October 11, 2011March 23rd, 2020GameGradeVR
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GameGradeVR is an online database of PC games and their level of compatibility with different software and hardware solutions on the market.  It is completely gamer driven, and the scoring criteria are 100% objective in nature so all submissions will hold up to public scrutiny.

When a gamer makes a submission, they are asked a series of questions about the game, its VR experience, what eye candy features need to be turned off (if any), and the level of stereoscopic 3D and VR flexibility they have at their disposal.

General Quality Assurance

The first part of the score is the Quality Assurance (QA) portion.  All games begin with a QA score of 100%, and get deductions for reduced graphics settings, VR settings, and remaining anomalies.  Reduced graphics settings refer to “eye candy” features that need to be turned off so the game can be played without visual problems or head tracking incompatibilities.  This is not related to performance saving measures that are required to play the game fast enough.  If the remaining score is passable, games are rated as Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.  The scores required for each level are as follows:

DDD Gold iZ3D Bronze Nvidia Silver Native Silver Certification

    Quality assurance score is 100%.


    DDD Gold iZ3D Bronze Nvidia Silver Native Silver Certification
    • Quality assurance score ranges from 85% – 99%.


    DDD Silver iZ3D Bronze Nvidia Silver Native Silver Certification
    • Quality assurance score ranges from 65%-84%.


    DDD Bronze iZ3D Bronze Nvidia Bronze Native Bronze Certification
    Quality Assurane score ranges from 25%-64%



     One or more critical errors AND/OR remaining quality assurance score of 0% to 24%

    Visual Flexibility

    The second part of the score is related to visual flexibility.  Out of screen effects are a little harder to define with head mounted displays, but they refer to the point of “convergence” or when the left/right eye images overlap.  While visual flexibility is not treated as a QA deduction, GGVR is designed so that gamers will see which titles offer the VR options they are looking for, and what trade-offs are needed to attain that flexibility.

    Grade A

    Grade A offers the most flexibility.  The game can be played with maximum “eye candy” settings and there are no discernable artifacts or anomalies when played in a combined depth and pop-out experience as described in MTBS’ Stereoscopic 3D Settings Guide.

    Some driver developers force certain eye candy settings off, despite what is adjusted in the game.  This would NOT qualify for a Platinum grade.

    Grade B

    The game can be played with a combined depth and pop-out experience and there are no visual anomalies.  However, the game does require one or more “eye candy” settings to be turned off (e.g. bloom, HDR lighting, depth of field, glow, etc.).  Drivers that forcibly turn game settings off would fall in this category as well.  For example, shadows that are turned on in the game, but don’t actually appear in stereoscopic 3D or VR mode.

    Grade C

    While the game can be played with a combined depth and pop-out experience, some non-critical visual anomalies remain.  The game may or may not require one or more “eye candy” settings to be turned off (e.g. bloom, HDR lighting, field of view, glow, etc.).

    Grade D

    This is the lowest level of visual flexibility.  The game is either designed to be played this way, or a “depth only” situation is required because it will otherwise be plagued by critical anomalies and visual errors.  The game may or may not require one or more “eye candy” settings to be turned off (e.g. bloom, HDR lighting, field of view, glow, etc.) as well.  This would also apply to native games that prevent the images from crossing over, or clip the image at just the point when this would naturally happen.

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