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Virtual Reality’s Nagging Problem: It Makes Some People Sick

By January 6, 2015March 24th, 2020Newswires

Facebook is going to need to find a killer app to get people to buy the Oculus Rift.But it also needs to deal with a queasy problem.

By Matthew Lynley

Facebook’s Oculus Rift virtual reality headset — and the VR industry in general — still have a technical problem to solve as they push to turn the technology mainstream: Using it makes some people feel sick.

In early versions of headsets like the Oculus Rift, simulation sickness — a phenomenon in which people become nauseous while playing a game on a VR headset — emerged as a surprising but not unexpected issue. Despite describing it as a “magical” experience overall, David Helgason, the CEO of gaming software company Unity, told BuzzFeed News the first version of the developer kit he used made him feel sick.

Read the whole story here,

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