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Solving the “unsolvable” issue of mobility in VR

By September 30, 2014March 24th, 2020Newswires

By Lee Perry

To hear many people talk, virtual reality has an unsolvable problem.  To some, it’s an issue that cripples the entire VR effort and leaves all the effort and investment dead in the water.  I’m speaking of course about handling player movement (and rotation) in VR.

Some people have a natural unease when wearing a VR headset if their character or camera(s) are not stationary in an environment.  Early demos on the very first Oculus Rift Dev Kits (commonly referred to as a “DK1”) often resulted in users being queasy or dizzy… we all know about this or have experienced this by now.  It is known.

Read ear the whole story here.

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