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How Oculus Rift Won Comic Con

By August 1, 2014March 24th, 2020Newswires

By Dorothy Pomerantz

First, I was inside a giant mechanical suit preparing to fight off attacking monsters. My copilot, to my right, was ripped out of our machine and I found myself having to face the monster alone. Then I climbed into a rickety elevator and rose hundreds of feet up a wall of ice while the wind rushed in my ears. I leaned over at the top to peer into the great North when suddenly, I was attacked by flaming arrow and fell. Finally, I hid in a sewer pipe and watched through an iron grate as a massive storm approached. Trucks were thrown around like toys crashing into the pipe and ripping it apart until I was sucked into the tornado.

All of this felt fairly real but none of it was (thank goodness). These were just three of the five Oculus Rift experiences that were on offer at Comic Con this year (from Legendary, HBO Go and Warner Bros. respectively). It’s likely that before the event, only hard-core video gamers and fans of giant financial transactions had heard of the virtual reality machine, which is like a big set of night-vision goggles that sits heavily on your face and blocks out all light.

Read the whole story here.

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