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Tripping in the Rift: Is Virtual Reality the Next Drug?

By July 21, 2014March 24th, 2020Newswires

By Robert Hackett

I strap the universe to my face.

Accelerating out of an airlock, I hear staccato synth music pump through my spacecraft’s speakers; starlight studs the periphery, interspersed with splashes of mauve nebulae and interstellar dust. Neck movements control my ship’s steering, I discover. Around me: the cosmos.

However many shandies deep I am, I’m buzzed. I probably shouldn’t be operating spacecraft tipsy, I think. Nevermind. Got to focus. Dodging asteroids, I brandish my noggin like a turret, gunning down enemy spacecraft. adversaries erupt into satisfying, if unrealistic, fireballs à la Star Wars.

Read the whole story here.

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