Embryonic as they are right now, augmented-reality ads have the potential to offer a hyper-targeted, space-age-type experience for customers. Advertisers rightly want to monetize that.
By Russell Horowitz
Certainly, augmented reality, or “AR” as it’s more colloquially known, has improved in the past year since the Beetle campaign ran. Applications have gotten slicker; processors on mobile devices have gotten more powerful. But the barriers to widespread adoption? Still there.
After more than 15 years in the digital advertising industry, I’ve seen many trends come and go. (PointCast, anyone?)
That said, I do believe using AR in advertising could fundamentally alter the way consumers interact with brands. AR has the potential to offer a hyper-targeted, full-immersion experience, unlike anything we have ever seen before. These ads, embryonic as they are right now, can offer an exciting, space-age-type experience for customers. Advertisers rightly want to monetize that.
Read the whole story here.