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Review: Disunion, the VR guillotine simulator

By May 15, 2013March 24th, 2020Newswires

By Dean Putney

Last week, Cory posted about Disunion, the guillotine simulator for the Oculus Rift headset. This weekend, I got a chance to “play” the virtual reality game—which amounted to getting my head virtually chopped off.

Though this is a far cry from the Oculus Rift’s peaceful “Tuscan villa” demo, the experience is just as immersive. Your entire vision is filled with the in-game world, and the headset itself is unobtrusive, like wearing a large pair of ski goggles. After a few minutes, you lose track of the real physical space you’re in. So much so, in fact, that the slight inconsistencies between the game and your head movements can make you seasick.

But it’s a pretty good start on experiencing things you can’t in real life—death being the ultimate example.

Read the whole story here.

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