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Are 4D movies the next big thing?

By July 12, 2012March 24th, 2020Newswires
By Richard Verrier

As the giant spaceship crashes into the mysterious planet, the seats inside the movie theatre heave back and forth and rumble like an earthquake. “Back ticklers” in the seats thump as an astronaut dodges fireballs and rolls on the ground. A strobe light flashes and huge fans expel gusts of air reeking of smoke and gunpowder.

In the latest bid to lure moviegoers back to the multiplex, where 3D is already the new norm for hits such as The Avengers and Men in Black 3, technology and entertainment companies are pushing a new system known as 4D.

Read the whole story here.

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Are 4D movies the next big thing?


Richard Verrier

3D has already become the norm for blockbuster movies. Is it about to be superseded?

3D has already become the norm for blockbuster movies. Is it about to be superseded? Photo: Bloomberg

As the giant spaceship crashes into the mysterious planet, the seats inside the movie theatre heave back and forth and rumble like an earthquake. “Back ticklers” in the seats thump as an astronaut dodges fireballs and rolls on the ground. A strobe light flashes and huge fans expel gusts of air reeking of smoke and gunpowder.

In the latest bid to lure moviegoers back to the multiplex, where 3D is already the new norm for hits such as The Avengers and Men in Black 3, technology and entertainment companies are pushing a new system known as 4D.

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