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‘Glasses-free 3D’ hits big time as Toshiba sets a date and price for 55-inch set

By December 9, 2011March 24th, 2020Newswires

‘Glasses-free 3D’ hits big time as Toshiba sets a date and price for 55-inch set – with a resolution FOUR TIMES hi-def

  • Array of tiny lenses ‘aims’ left eye and right eye images at each viewer
  • Face-tracking technology inside set ‘sees’ where viewers are sitting
  • Screen has a resolution of 4000×3000 pixels
  • First consumer TV with ‘4K’ resolution – even though there is no way to watch a film in 4K so far
  • Peter Jackson is to film The Hobbit in ‘4K’

By Rob Waugh

‘Glasses-free’ 3D has taken another step towards the mainstream, as Toshiba announces a price and release date for the first large set to hit the home.

On December 10, Toshiba’s REGZA 553X is also capable of ‘4K’ resolutions – four times current hi-def sets.

Sadly, the price should ensure the ‘naked eye’ 3D set doesn’t hit the mainstream straight away – it will be £7,400, and only available in Japan. It will launch in the UK early next year, price to be confirmed.

Read the whole story here.

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