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Sony Makes Its Pitch for a 3-D Gaming Future

By August 24, 2011March 24th, 2020Newswires

Sony Makes Its Pitch for a 3-D Gaming Future

By Ryan Kuo

Sony is placing 3-D high on its gaming agenda. According to Mick Hocking, a vice president at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe who evangelizes and teaches 3-D to its first-party game developers, being the best at 3-D gaming has been the company’s “aim from the very start.”

And though playing in 3-D is a bold proposition, Sony’s recently announced PlayStation 3D Display would like to fit seamlessly into the lives of consumers. The 24-inch television has the same curves as a PSP or Vita, and will be relatively affordable at $499 for a bundled pair of active shutter glasses and the racing game Motorstorm: Apocalypse, which was built for 3-D. Its fall lineup of blockbuster games, which includes Resistance 3, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, and the HD remakes ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection and God of War Origins: Collection, is also 3D-enabled.

Read the whole story here.

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