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3D Glasses War Rages On As Vizio And LG Defend Passive Tech

By July 19, 2011Newswires

3D Glasses War Rages On As Vizio And LG Defend Passive Tech

By Greg Tarr

The passive vs. activeshutter 3D glasses technology war waged on this month as representatives from LG and Vizio fired salvos back at Sony and Samsung for using confusing sales claims to pump up the credibility of their active-shutter TV technologies.

After Samsung and Sony senior VPs cited NPD Group consumer sell-through data for the past month showing active-shutter TV sales with nearly 90 percent market share in the 3D space, a Vizio representative snapped back that NPD’s sales data does not track sales from several leading national retail accounts, including Walmart, and therefore does not reflect a complete sales performance picture.

Read the whole story here.

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