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Talking with Barry Sandrew from Legend3D about 2D to 3D Conversion

By October 6, 2010March 24th, 2020Newswires

Talking with Barry Sandrew from Legend3D about 2D to 3D Conversion

By Anton Belev

The 2D to 3D conversion of videos and movies is still getting mostly bad publicity due to not so good examples of projects that were rushed too much, or were done on the cheap, however when properly made, using enough resources and expertise, and taken the right amount of time needed, the final result might actually be really good and hardly distinguishable from a material shot in 3D. The recent announcements about upcoming 2D to 3D conversions of very popular older, but cult movies like Titanic and the Star Wars saga has yet again led to a lot of controversy regarding the conversion process. But I had the chance to do a short interview with an expert in the filed of 2D to 3D conversions, getting his opinion on some key subjects that a lot of people are interested in. I’m talking about Barry Sandrew who is the Founder, President, and COO of Legend3D – one of the top companies specialized in 2D to 3D conversion…

Read the whole story here.

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