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Sony ‘Very Confident’ in PS3, Move Following E3

By June 28, 2010March 24th, 2020Newswires

Sony ‘Very Confident’ in PS3, Move Following E3

Last week’s E3 was an exciting one for the big three platform holders. We’ve already shared our conversations with Nintendo and Microsoft, and now we’re pleased to present to you our Sony interview with Worldwide Studios VP Scott Rohde. We spoke with Rohde about the competition, the evolving motion controls space, Sony’s big push into 3D, the PSP business and more.

IndustryGamers: I’d like to get your reaction to some of the competition’s announcements. Now that Microsoft renamed Natal as Kinect and showed off all the different applications, how do you feel about how that stacks up with the Move, and of course, obviously, the Wii MotionPlus is still out there. How do you see the motion controls market sort of taking shape?

Scott Rohde: I’m actually very excited about our offering in comparison to what else is out there… I didn’t actually touch the Kinect, but walking through the show floor, watching people interact with it, I’m very confident that what we have is an offering that is outstanding. And I think there’s a lot of areas where we differentiate ourselves from what the competition does. Again, having that tactile feeling in your hand, with the rumble support… If you strike an enemy and you feel it rumble, I think that’s a really key aspect of what we offer compared to what other folks offer.

Read the whole story here.

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