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The Grumpy Gamer: Will The 3D Phenomenon Help Or Hurt Gaming?

By June 21, 2010March 24th, 2020Newswires

The Grumpy Gamer: Will The 3D Phenomenon Help Or Hurt Gaming?

With more and more hype being generated around the new 3D technology emerging in TVs, you have to wonder if 3D will start to be used everywhere, and whether this is a good idea or not. Case in point is the gaming industry—will 3D help it or hurt it?

You might be wondering what the hell I’m talking about. Think about this for a second: we see more and more video games, regardless of platform, being developed around graphics and poly-counts rather than around solid writing or acting. Developers focus more on pumping out higher quality graphics and pushing the limits of the consoles, leaving other critical elements, like the plot, as an afterthought.

Read the whole story here.

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