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Canada enters new era of 3D TV

By March 28, 2010Newswires

Canada enters new era of 3D TV
They look good but may only be a niche market until much more content is available

With 3-D televisions out Friday, the future of home entertainment is so bright you have to wear shades — compatible battery-operated glasses at $250 a pair, to be exact.

After lining up to watch blockbusters such as Avatar at movie theatres, consumers can now watch three-dimensional images in high definition in their living rooms.

But if TV shopper Francis Ng is any indication, convincing consumers to pay a premium for such technology might be a tough sell.

“If the prices came down to a normal TV price, I wouldn’t mind,” said Ng, who’s considering buying an LCD flat screen to replace his old tube TV. “$3,000 is too much, way too much.”

Read the whole story here.

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