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Panasonic edges out Samsung in preliminary 3D TV tests

By March 22, 2010March 24th, 2020Newswires

Panasonic edges out Samsung in preliminary 3D TV tests
Consumer Reports test finds Panasonic plasma 3D TV performance superior to Samsung’s LED-backlit LCDs

by Campbell Simpson  

Preliminary tests by a US-based consumer advocacy group has found the 3D and 2D performance of the Panasonic TH-P50VT20a plasma television to be noticeably superior to the newest 3D versions of Samsung’s LED-backlit and 8000 series LED-backlit LCD televisions. The models tested by Consumer Reports will be released in Australia in coming months.

A video details some of the visible differences between the two brands’ 3D TV sets — it shows the performance of the Samsung televisions to be lagging behind Panasonic’s model, with slight ghosting of 3D images visible even when wearing the correct polarised glasses. The preliminary test also criticises the inferior viewing angles of Samsung’s LED television sets.

Read the whole story here.

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