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The Hollywood Post Alliance Walks on the Wild Side

By January 26, 2010March 24th, 2020Newswires

HPA Walks on the Wild Side
by Robin Berger


The Hollywood Post Alliance will launch its signature four-day Tech Retreat in Rancho Mirage, Calif., on Tuesday, Feb. 16. As described by host Mark Schubin, “It’s the only event that covers the entire spectrum of television.”

This year’s agenda includes motion intelligence from the Department of Defense, academic research on viewer sensations as they watch 3DTV, and miscellaneous insights into hyper dynamic range, immersive media, audio control, and file-based workflows.


“The whole business of movies and television has been based on illusion and gimmicks since Day One, so there’s nothing wrong with being a gimmick as long as it’s a gimmick that attracts people,” said Schubin. “There have been some technological advances [digital transmission systems, tiny cameras, LCD displays that support faster frame rates], but basically it’s a buzz and a push—not technologically based.”

Despite this assessment, the first day’s afternoon agenda (2-6 p.m.) will address 3D developments. Dolby Laboratories’ Walter Husak will discuss standards; ROAM Consulting president Pete Putnam will present the latest consumer electronics, and there will be a slew of demos. Schubin was particularly psyched about a demo room presentation by 3D pioneer Lenny Lipton, now president and chief science officer for Oculus 3D in Encino, Calif.

Tuesday’s agenda will also explore the dark side of 3D: viewer health concerns. David Wood, deputy director for the European Broadcasting Union’s Technical initiatives, was invited to air his views on eyestrain after he created a bit of a stink over the issue at IBC 2009. Paired with him will be UC Berkeley Professor of Optometry and Vision Science Martin Banks, who has been conducting research into user issues in presenting 3D cinema, TV, and cell phone media, as well as their possible cures.

Fraunhofer’s 180 degree Stereoscopic Panorama Camera Rig

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