A new dimension for home theaters
3-D visuals of `Avatar` and other productions are headed for TV
by Michael SragowAvatar," the most high-profile, fiercely debated and expensive 3-D film in history, is poised to become something more than a conversation piece or a mega-blockbuster.
If its writer-director, James Cameron, manages to flood the pop-cultural mainstream as he did with his last film, "Titanic," it could transform the way people view entertainment not just on movie screens but on TVs and personal computers.
David Modell, former president and CEO of the Baltimore Ravens and now chairman of the board of the technology company 3ality Digital, thinks the game has already changed.
"It`s not as if `Avatar` is jumping out of the blocks from a dead start for a hundred-yard dash," says Modell. "It`s part of the marathon for change that will allow people to see 3-D in movies and throughout the entertainment world the way they do everything else in our lives."
Audiences are now experiencing state-of-the-art 3-D as part of Oscar-caliber films, not just stunt-ridden action or horror movies. Proponents of the format are developing plans to deliver that extra-dimensional experience for sports and music broadcasts and even sitcoms.
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