LG Electronics Takes the Lead in 3D with Skylife
Aims to expand domestic TV market for 3D technology and contentSeoul, December 15, 2009 — LG Electronics (LG) today announced a partnership with Korea Digital Satellite Broadcasting (SkyLife). This synergy between the world`s leading 3D TV manu-facturer and one of the biggest 3D content providers will further reinforce LG`s presence in the 3D TV market.
LG Electronics and SkyLife today signed a memorandum of understanding for the strategic partnership to take the lead in the 3D TV industry, working closely together in developing technologies to set industry standards and deploying promotional activities to help expand the market.
LG announced Korea`s first 3D LCD TV in August 2009 and SkyLife will run a second trial of 3D broadcasting in January next year after airing earlier trial 3D content from October.
Read the whole story here: http://www.koreaittimes.com/story/6115/ … 3d-skylife
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