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Blitz: 3D gaming IS the next generation

By July 16, 2009Newswires

Blitz: 3D gaming IS the next generation
Gaming to drive the next big shift in TV industry
By Adam Hartley

Blitz Games has been showing off its `proper 3D` gaming tech at this week`s Develop conference in Brighton, with co-founder Andrew Oliver revealing that the first game to use the tech will be out in August.

Blitz`s Oliver also argued in an impassioned presentation that gaming – specifically 3D stereoscopic gaming on home consoles – is going to be the major driver behind the TV industry`s shift to 3D over the coming years.

And while Invincible Tiger is a decent enough game in 2D – a retro-style Kung-Fu platform game that will no doubt appeal to fans of 1980`s arcade fighters – it is when you flick the 3D switch that it becomes a truly groundbreaking console title.

TechRadar has played the game and we experienced that same shiver of excitement that we remember from playing Elite on the BBC Micro back in 1985, from playing Ridge Racer on the PlayStation in 1995 and from playing Wii Sports back in 2006. Forget garlic bread, 3D gaming IS the future.

And if you are lucky enough to be in that one per cent of TV owners that currently owns or has access to a 3D-enabled telly, then you are definitely going to want to shell out 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20) when Invincible Tiger arrives on XBLA next month.

Read the whole story here: … ?artc_pg=1

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