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State of the 3D Game

By June 5, 2009March 24th, 2020Newswires

State of the 3D Game
By Jared Newman

On the floor of E3, gamers are getting a chance to try a stereoscopic 3D video game for Xbox 360.

Invincible Tiger by Blitz Games is, ironically, a 2D fighting game in the style of classics like Kung Fu and Double Dragon, but with the help of 3D glasses and a compatible HDTV, the various planes of artwork suddenly become much more distinct.

I caught up with Blitz Games’ Chief Technical Officer Andrew Oliver, who laid out where he thinks the technology is going and how his company will be involved.

Basically, the kinds of graphics-intensive games that dominate the show floor are a ways off from working with 3D glasses and TVs. That’s because graphic artists usually “cheat” with special effects like smoke and fire, drawing them in two dimensions. When playing in 3D, the trick becomes more noticeable, in a bad way.

Read the rest of the story here: … e-3d-game/

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