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Fox`s BCS airs in 3D Tuesday at3D Entertainment Summit……

By December 3, 2008Newswires

…..& some theaters.

David Hill Fox Sports TV Group chairman-CEO was answering questions about Thursday night’s first-ever live 3-D telecast of an NFL game, which is going to theaters in Los Angeles, New York and Boston which news we brought you here a few days ago.

Although enthused about 3D he sounded a warning shot to TV manufactures by stating that TV broadcasters didn`t want to get “conned" again & that they needed to show up with alot of coin. "It cost us a fortune to go to HD, but do we get a penny more from the advertisers? Do we get an extra rating point? No. Everybody benefited but the broadcasters."

However he soon returned to a more upbeat tone saying that Fox`s 3D sports reel was
"better than being there", proving his long-time enthusiasm for 3D which started 7 years ago with Gary Lang being ordered to shot the NFL, Nascar, boxing and NBA in 3-D.

Read the full article here: … 1&nid=2562

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