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CFTPA Panel (Part II)

By February 23, 2010April 4th, 2020News

More pictures and video footage from CFTPA’s Prime Time in Ottawa event!

Opening Night For Prime Time in Ottawa!

Part two from the 3D panel is online as well. This segment talks about the acceptability of 3D glasses in the home, and which content is most likely to be successful.

Panelists included:

Munro Ferguson, Project Manager, StereoLab National Film Board of Canada
Neil Schneider, Executive Director, The S-3D Gaming Alliance
James Stewart, President, Geneva Film Co.
Michael Williams, Sales Manager, Professional Division, XpanD Cinema
Kevin Wright, Senior Vice President, Programming, Astral Television Networks

Left to right: Michael Williams, Sales Manager Professional Division (XpanD Cinema),
Marc Seguin, VP of Feature Film & New Technology for the CFTPA, and
Neil Schneider, Executive Director of the S-3D Gaming Alliance.

We will have a lot of pictures to share from the conference, including some special guests who visited the S-3D gaming exhibit we put together. In addition to S3DGA, XpanD cinema was on-hand demonstrating their work in the stereoscopic 3D education markets.

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