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MTBS-TV Episode: S-3D Gaming History, Part I

By December 8, 2009April 4th, 2020News

We are very excited to share our next episode of MTBS-TV!

Remember to go to the original YouTube page for all the available stereoscopic 3D viewing options.

With the recent attention given to S-3D gaming, we thought it would be a great idea to put everything in perspective. The fact is, stereoscopic 3D gaming has been around for well over ten years, and there are some companies who should be recognized for their efforts in getting us to where we are today.

So how did NVIDIA, iZ3D, and DDD get their footholds in S-3D gaming? Watch the video to find out!

Special thanks go to Yuriy Nicksych (YuriyTheBest) for creating the introduction sequence, and Dummeh for providing the music. Viewers should also notice a big improvement in the frame rate with our Minoru 3D webcam footage. Our earlier program required a higher exposure setting with the software, and higher exposure means slower capture.

Please remember to share your thoughts and ideas in our discussion forums.

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