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NEXT3D, The Biggest Story Out of GDC? Possibly!

By April 15, 2009April 4th, 2020News

The Game Developers Conference was a big success for stereoscopic 3D gaming, and everyone had an important story to share. We think this is the biggest discovery to come out of GDC this year:

NEXT3D is developing a means to distribute stereoscopic 3D movies that can be downloaded and played on video game consoles like PS3 and XBOX. However, as important as this is, they have developed something that we think could be even more influential. The YouTube video shown above is not the complete interview. MTBS members can download the full version in our downloads section.

We don’t want to hype this too much, but the significance and potential applications for their work is so great, we are amazed no one has reported on this until now. Please view the entire video, and share your comments in our discussion forums.

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