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Received GeForce 3D Vision, MTBS’ Infernal 3D Analysis Machine!

By March 13, 2009April 4th, 2020News

MTBS is pleased to report that we received our first media sample from NVIDIA today for their GeForce 3D Vision solution!

Moving forward, MTBS certification and game reviews related to NVIDIA will be using this 3D platform.

Speaking of game reviews, the MTBS team has been working hard on a special utility called The Infernal 3D Analysis Machine. By answering a series of multiple choice questions, this tool will rate how good a game is in stereoscopic 3D. It is non-proprietary, and will work with all S-3D driver solutions.

When finalized, our intention is to use this utility as part of our game review process. Please remember to share your results in the appropriate forums so others can benefit from your findings!

We have plans to build on this a great deal, and all feedback and ideas are valued.

Special thanks to Yuriy Niksych for translating our algorithm into a convenient flash program that everyone can use.

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