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BNETTV.COM Coverage, Photoforms Release, and More!

By January 23, 2009April 4th, 2020News

MTBS is excited to inform you that BNETTV.COM did a series of interviews on stereoscopic 3D technology, and leading participants included iZ3D, NVIDIA, and MTBS! You can sample them below:

Neil Schneider, President & CEO of Meant to be Seen

David Chechelashvili, VP of Marketing for iZ3D

Bryan Del Rizzo, PR Manager for NVIDIA

All in all, very positive coverage!

Here at home, Hill Thompson has put out the release version of Photoforms, our in-house 2D/3D photo conversion software program. Here is the new feature list:

  • Ability to save and load your work in mid-project.
  • Zoom and pan features for detailed images.
  • Images load with correct proportions the first time.
  • Better tool speed control.
  • Additional bug fixes.

    Try it out and share your experiences in the Photoforms discussion forums.

    We will report on the Stereoscopic Displays & Applications Conference next week.

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