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Happy Holidays From MTBS!

By December 25, 2008April 4th, 2020News

Meant to be Seen would like to wish the stereoscopic 3D industry and community a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. They call Christmas the season of giving, but MTBS has been on the receiving end of this season all year round.

We would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to the following individuals and companies for making Meant to be Seen possible and helping to make our core mission a developing success.

First, special thanks go to iZ3D LLC and TDVision Corp. Without their financial support, MTBS would not be here today. We are nowhere near where we want our industry to be, but Meant to be Seen would just be an idea written on a notepad without their willingness to invest in an untried concept and stick with it.

AMD is next. While our industry has been seeking an additional player in the market for years, they have answered the call and are completing the 3D pie through their relationship with iZ3D. They have also contributed much needed equipment that makes our review and testing process possible and have been actively promoting our U-DECIDE Initiative on their website. We’d also like to thank NVIDIA for making an appearance on MTBS to reach out to the community, and we think they will have an interesting year in 2009.

Blitz Games Studios, The Game Creators, and Guild Software along with iZ3D and AMD contributed nearly 60 prizes to make The U-DECIDE Initiative possible. Without their help, we would not have had the resources necessary to attract enough gamers to participate, and our industry now has the smoking gun needed to push the 3D industry in the direction that customers want.

Epic Games has also contributed prizes, accepted MTBS Certification, and helped drive attention to the benefits of S-3D gaming through a joint MTBS/Epic Games presentation at SIGGRAPH.

When MTBS was founded, we spent thousands of dollars on video games, and we are very honored that Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Activision, 2K Games, Microsoft Games, Bethesda Softworks, THQ and several more have added us to their media lists and regularly send us testing samples.

Much of what we do is done through volunteer work by several members:

Syd Bolton is the Curator of the Personal Computer Museum. He is also a skilled programmer, and has written countless scripts to make the U-DECIDE Initiative possible. He is also helping us out with some website upgrades that we expect to see in the new year.

Igor Masin (Sharky) has practically been working with us since the beginning. MTBS Nations at War Version 2.0 is expected to be making its appearance soon, and our website redesign is very much credited to his hard work. When MTBS first launched almost two years ago, we were criticized for seeming a bit amateurish looking. Igor worked very hard with the team to make a place we can all be proud of.

Cristian Villallobos (Sir C) is a very talented graphics designer, and is a working example of that. The polished look, the updated logos, the banners and signatures – much of what you see here is Cris’ work, and we are very grateful for the countless hours he continues to put into MTBS.

Pam Swartz (MetalQueen) is a busy forum moderator, and she has been doing her share of website updates and 3D movie reviews.

Emmanuel Lartey (Silversurfer) has been working on a newsfeed service we have been testing through the MTBS forums by regularly submitting stories for member review. Expect to see this expanded in 2009.

Speaking of members, MTBS is nothing without your efforts. Thank you for spreading the word about 3D, welcoming new gamers to the community, and helping make their first TRUE 3D gaming experience a positive one by sharing your guidance and experience.

This list is just a small sample of who we have to be thankful for, and with that, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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