“I have personally converted all types of images into 3D. Paintings, landscapes, people…the opportunities are endless. I think everyone will enjoy this program, and I like the idea of my software being used to help grow 3D awareness. Neil offered to help launch the software, which I thought was a great idea since Meant to be Seen is a terrific site that serves as the 3D industry’s community.” – Hill Thompson, Author of Photoforms
MTBS is proud to announce the first beta release of the Photoforms 2D/3D photo converter. Finally, with a basic understanding of how 3D works, end users have all the tools needed to convert their favorite pictures into TRUE 3D! Saved pictures can be viewed on just about any 3D display solution. Photoformers can make pictures look like a window, or have objects that seem to protrude through the display glass!
An added bonus is that while Photoforms has its own independent website, MTBS is its official community. Hill is looking forward to your input and ideas to make the program even better.
Cuter in 3D! (2D/3D Photoforms Conversion)
MTBS is very excited about Photoforms because we would like to see a lot of community involvement around it. Sharing converted photographs, helping each other out with the best techniques, and most importantly, telling everyone who is interested that just about any 2D picture can be converted to true 3D.
While Photoforms is completely free to download and use, it is exclusive to photoforms.com and mtbs3D.com. It is not permitted to distribute this file through alternate websites or unofficial sources. We have opened special Photoforms picture galleries and forums for sharing 2D/3D converted images. Please take care that the images are appropriate for all audiences.
The first beta release of Photoforms is only available in the MTBS downloads section, but you will find a lot of helpful information on Photoforms’ main site. Free MTBS registration is needed to download the program.
An added bonus is that if you are indeed registering with MTBS for the first time (or you are a repeat visitor), you still have time to participate with our U-DECIDE Initiative! Complete the survey, and you can win one of nearly 60 prizes including iZ3D 3D monitors, ATI GPUs, and a wide selection of video games by Blitz Games Studios, The Game Creators, and Guild Software. The surveys close on January 1st, 2009 – so time is running out! Your opinion never mattered more.
Speaking of iZ3D, they need your input too! I’m told they have a lot of exciting things cooking, and your help would be valued. Please participate with this thread and share your thoughts.
VZillion Inc. announced that they are partnering with Unigine to use their new game engine. VZillion was at the 3D Film and Interactive Festival, and their software creates custom 3D virtual environments that are designed to let customers interact with their computer in new ways, browse the Internet in 3D, etc. Stereoscopic 3D is their next step, and as the Unigine game engine has native S-3D support and is MTBS Native Certified, the choice was clear!
Finally, our developers are hard at work on MTBS Nations at War 2.0 (NAW). NAW is a real-time MMOG played by MTBS members. Players build cities armies with hopes of world domination. Lot’s of fun! Sharky needs your input ASAP to determine the best way to calculation how armies attack each other, and it would be appreciated if you can contribute your ideas.
Happy 3D photoforming!