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Cameron, U-DECIDE, S-3D Console Gaming, iZ3D

By December 2, 2008April 4th, 2020News


James Cameron

Vince Pace of PACE (Left) and Neil Schneider of MTBS (right)

MTBS has some interviews pending from the 3D Entertainment Summit for sure! While the audience was thrilled with the Cameron/Pace presentation, we were a bit disappointed that the topic of gaming didn’t come up. Looks like James Cameron is keeping his cards very close to his chest for the time being!

“3D in the home will be led by gamers,” Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of Dreamworks Animation.

Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO Dreamworks Animation

In fact, while all but one panel discussion at the 3D Entertainment Summit was focused on 3D cinema and broadcasting, nearly every discussion hinted about the critical importance of gaming.

Chris Marlowe (3D Entertainment Summit), Neil Schneider (MTBS),
Andrew Oliver (Blitz Games Studios), Andrew Fear (NVIDIA)

As promised, MTBS revealed the preliminary results of the U-DECIDE Initiative as part of a special gaming panel. The details are available in the press release complete with diagrams, and this is what we know for sure:

  • Most people think 3D is either “must have” or “intriguing” technology.
  • The vast majority of 2D and S-3D gamers want game developers to officially support stereoscopic 3D gaming – even without owning the equipment firsthand!
  • 3D glasses are not a deterrent to stereoscopic 3D technology, though there are some variations according to content type.

    The preliminary results are based on over 500 completed surveys, and there is a month to go before the initiative is complete.

    Inspired by MTBS’ presentation at SIGGRAPH earlier this year, Blitz Games Studios took action and demonstrated the first stereoscopic 3D video games being run on XBOX 360 and Sony PS3!

    Neil Schneider, President & CEO Meant to be Seen and
    Chris Satchell, CTO, Interactive Entertainment Business

    We will get more pictures to share tomorrow, but true 3D gaming and our hard working community continues to earn respect in the S-3D industry.

    While waiting for the next update, please read our interview with Vadim Asadov, CTO of iZ3D LLC. Vadim talks about their next driver release and some exciting things we have to look forward to. We have also added a special forum section to ask Vadim follow-up questions.

    While some U-DECIDE results have been revealed today, they are still preliminary. The survey’s run until January 1st, 2009, and there are nearly 60 prizes up for grabs from AMD, iZ3D, Blitz Games Studios, The Game Creators, and Guild Software. Do you believe us now when we say your opinion never mattered more?

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