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SPORE S-3D Review, AMD U-DECIDE Update

By November 4, 2008April 4th, 2020News

First thing’s first! Special thanks go to our very own Yurithebest. Literally given super apocalyptic powers, Yuri will show us how he created new life and new wild and crazy civilizations with Electronic Arts’ latest hit SPORE.

To add even more excitement to this daring feat, Yuri explains how he did this in the form of a SPORE stereoscopic 3D game review! When reading, stand far back…Yuri possesses very dangerous powers!

“While we are already very excited about stereoscopic 3D gaming, we want to know what gamers think. AMD is pleased to be working with Meant to be Seen and its partners to make this initiative possible,” said John Swinimer, Public Relations Manager for AMD.

AMD has started promoting the initiative on their website, but we need to do more to spread the word! The more traditional gamers involved, the better.

While U-DECIDE will be running until the beginning of January, we will be announcing preliminary results on December 1st, 2008 at the 3D Entertainment Summit. Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of Dreamworks Animation is involved with this conference, so let’s not disappoint! Please feel free to use the available U-DECIDE Initiative Banners to help promote the effort. With enough gamers participating, our industry will be in a position to accurately measure what 2D and S-3D gamers think of stereoscopic 3D gaming and why.

We also have the means to create new banner ads if you have specific size needs that are not yet met.

Please post in the forums to share your ideas on how we can further spread the word about this effort to learn more about the opinions and thought processes of traditional 2D and experienced S-3D gamers.

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