“We are very excited about stereoscopic 3D gaming, and are working with iZ3D to help ensure that ATI Radeon Graphics Card owners get the best experience possible,” said John Swinimer, Public Relations Manager for AMD.
You heard it here first! AMD and iZ3D are on a joint press tour to educate about the benefits of stereoscopic 3D gaming and that AMD is taking a serious interest in this technology. The tour started today in New York City, and finishes on the west coast in San Francisco. AMD is making a planned appearance on MTBS soon enough.
Now! Back to our regularly scheduled programming…
A few months ago, some of our members started a thread trying to determine which S-3D solutions were most popular. This got us thinking. The fact is if our industry is going to continue its success, we need to have an accurate picture of what gamers think of the technology. Is the industry following the right path? Are the needs of gamers truly understood? Are there core challenges that need to be overcome and have yet to be acknowledged?
MTBS has joined forces with AMD, iZ3D, The Game Creators, BlitzGamesStudios, and Guild Software to answer these questions and more. Together, we have launched an initiative called “U-DECIDE”, and by answering a short survey, your opinions and feedback will help move our industry in the right direction.
When the data collection is complete, there will be a big draw for nearly sixty prizes that include high performance graphics cards, 3D gaming monitors, and a wide selection of video games and gaming tools. You do not have to be a stereoscopic 3D or PC gamer to qualify, and the opinions of traditional 2D gamers are highly valued.
When the report is complete, there will be a means for outside parties to benefit from our findings. Please go to http://www.mtbs3d.com/udecide.shtml to participate, and encourage your peers to get involved and qualify for prizes as much as possible. The more feedback and opinions we have, the better tuned and focused our industry will be!
We would like to express thanks to our strategic partners for their valued contributions. Furthermore, this initiative would not be possible without the detailed design and programming work of Syd Bolton, Cristian Villalobos, Pam Swartz, and Igor Masin.
Speaking of AMD and iZ3D, in our downloads section, you will find the 1.09 full release driver version from iZ3D LLC. There are multiple bug corrections including shadow fixes in Oblivion, a WorldShift profile, an updated Crysis 64 bit profile, 64 bit operating system compatibility fixes, and…while the iZ3D LLC drivers are fully compatible with the NVIDIA graphics cards, there is an added benefit for AMD GPU users. This driver includes free 3D DLP support for AMD graphics card users! No licensing fees!
While you are getting this driver from mtbs3D.com’s downloads section, you will also be able to download the open source components of iZ3D’s stereoscopic 3D movie player. In it, game developers and S-3D software developers will find the algorithm needed to properly display 3D content on an iZ3D monitor. It is no longer a requirement to have an NDA to benefit from this information.