MTBS is celebrating Candian Thanksgiving tomorrow, but here are some news blips for you:
Fun at the 3D Film and Interactive Festival (click picture for gallery)
We are getting the first results from the The 3D Film and Interactive Festival, and so far the results have been very good. Our friend and event organizer Christopher Crescitelli tells us that AMC Theater tickets are selling really well and they are moving hundreds of people every hour for S-3D showings! Awesome! MTBS will be in the 3D Lounge next weekend giving personal tours of S-3D technology, and it’s going to be a lot of fun.
On a separate note, SMPTE will be holding two stereoscopic 3D events at the SMPTE 2008: Annual Tech Conference & Expo held from October 27 – 30, 2008.
The first is: “Stereoscopic 3D Production – Comparing Methodologies” on Wednesday, October 29, 9:30 – 12:00 Noon. This will be an in-depth session comparing and contrasting the two approaches to stereoscopic 3-D visual effects. Creating the effects in stereo from the outset, or producing them in 2-D and transforming them after the fact will be discussed. For sample purposes, “Journey to the Center of the Earth” used both approaches, but produced most of the VFX work in 3-D, and the upcoming Jerry Bruckheimer produced Disney film, “G-Force”, is using a 2-D pipeline and than reconfiguring the work in 3-D. The session chair is Lenny Lipton, CTO of Real D.
The second is: “Digital Convergence: Where Stereoscopic HD Games and Movies Meet for the Home User” on Tuesday, October 30, 9:30 – 12:00 Noon. This is a look at the technologies behind 3-D content to the home and the road that might be taken toward widespread deployment of 3-D home entertainment. There will be footage of 3-D games and sports on the big screen. The session chair is Mark Fihn, of the publication Veritas et Visus. Veritas et Visus puts out a great newsletter each month on stereoscopic 3D that MTBS contributes to regularly. We are sure that Mark is going to be a great speaker.
An added bonus is our own Ethan Schur from TDVision Corp. will be speaking too. In his words, he will be doing his presentation in a 3D virtual world! Sounds like fun!