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World Record, iZ3D Driver, TDVision News, Registration Emails

By September 10, 2008April 4th, 2020News

To celebrate its third anniversary, The Personal Computer Museum has been given the go ahead by the London, England based Guinness World Records corporation and the Tetris Company to attempt to establish a new world record for the most participants in a Tetris Tournament this Saturday, September 13th, 2008.

MTBS is going to be on-hand giving special stereoscopic 3D gaming demonstrations. Who would have thought a 2D game like Tetris could help promote the merits of S-3D gaming?

You can read the press release HERE and register for the tournament HERE. It promises to be a lot of fun!

The much anticipated iZ3D LLC 1.09 Beta 2 driver is out, and you can get it HERE! Make sure you are an MTBS registrant so you can access the file.

While LCD shutter glasses support hasn’t been impacted yet, important bug fixes include problems with the iZ3D Control Panel, crash to desktop issues with NVIDIA GPUs, autofocus corrections, and game fixes for IL2 and EverQuest. This is a beta driver release, so post your findings HERE.

On the TDVision Corp front…

TDVision Corp. is working on a new promotional logo for their work. See what you think!

Finally. some of you have been receiving MTBS registration confirmation email requests mistakenly. We stopped the script, but these emails should not have gone out – let alone to the wrong people. Please ignore them unless you are having difficulty logging in to your account. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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