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MTBS Registration Fix, iZ3D News, NVIDIA News

By August 28, 2008April 4th, 2020News

We have been going through some server upgrades, and in so doing there was a glitch in our registration system preventing confirmation emails from going out to new registrants.

We are going to be sending an email blast to registrants who have not received a confirmation email so they can conveniently reconfirm and access their account later this week. However, while we are programming the scripts needed to do this, you can send an email to “info at” to have your account manually confirmed for access to Please mention the user name and email address you registered with.

All new registrants interested in joining today will not have to go through this process as the system is functional. This is for registrants before today.

Vadim Asadov, Chief Technology Officer for iZ3D LLC (BlackQ) made a special appearance on MTBS to discuss their company’s future plans. You can read the thread HERE.

Some key points include:

1. iZ3D has worked out an OEM deal. Names will be revealed at a later time.
2. The first 1.09 iZ3D LLC driver beta is expected as early as next week.
3. The architecture is very similar to 1.08, but there are further optimizations for speed and compatibility (e.g. Spore, Warhammer Online)
4. Most of the profile control is in the interface itself and does not require text file editing.
5. The iZ3D is no longer required to be the primary monitor, but still has to be attached to the same GPU.
6. Supported solutions: HMD, Dual Projector, Interlaced, Planar, DLP Checkerboard, LCD Shutter Glasses (simple support), Vuzix VR920, anaglyph.
7. There are some hinted limitations with synchronization, and further vendor participation may be required.
8. The iZ3D 1.09 driver will have a laser sight feature.
9. End-user license estimated at $50 to $100 a piece.
10. Upgrading hardware will not impact license on condition that the driver is deactivated between upgrades.
11. Anti-ghosting glasses technology still in development.
12. Future 26″ iZ3D model is planned to include console connector support (XBOX, PS3, Wii).

Lots of exciting stuff coming up for sure! We will still be giving Vadim a formal interview on MTBS! He surprised us by posting in the forums prematurely (bad Vadim! bad Vadim!).

On the NVIDIA side, I’d like to share some findings:

1. The NVIDIA stereo driver is now part of the GeForce / Forceware panel when installed.
2. The laser sight is dramatically improved. You have a choice of using an add-on sight like before, but when the drivers are properly tailored for the game, the in-game cross-hair will self adjust similar to the NVIDIA laser sight we are familiar with.
3. For recognized titles, the driver displays recommended game settings for S-3D compatibility.

The 177.83 drivers which work with the current 177.93 and 177.83 GeForce drivers are available HERE. Post your findings in the forums. Remember that these drivers only work in anaglyph and with NVIDIA licensed equipment (e.g. Zalman monitors). The password to open the file is also in the related MTBS NVIDIA forums.

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