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NAW News, EA’s MySims, Unreal Engine 3 Licensing

By July 7, 2008April 4th, 2020News

Meant to be Seen’s Massively Multiplayer Online Game, MTBS Nations at War (NAW), has undergone another upgrade. There has been a re-balancing of the unit capabilities and the computer’s players (the “bots”) have undergone some AI improvements which make them even MORE dangerous!

For those unfamiliar, NAW is a customized MMOG that pits MTBS members against each other for world domination. It is played in real time, and involves the construction and destruction of cities and armies. Invite your friends to play and earn critical resources like extra spending money in the game!

Electronic Arts is also porting MySims from Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS to PC this coming October. MySims lets players create original characters who are customized from head to toe, build a town and community, and unlock items by befriending and joining their neighbors! It’s good to see more non-violent games out there, and MTBS has high hopes that this title will render well in stereoscopic 3D (S-3D).

The PC release of MySims will include features not available in console versions.

Finally, the popular Unreal Engine 3 is getting licensed by Ignition Entertainment Ltd. We have high hopes for this title in stereoscopic 3D because when games are rendered properly, Unreal Engine 3 tends to do well in S-3D.

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