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Dolby Labs Interviewed, Site Upgrades!

By October 29, 2007April 4th, 2020News

Hello everyone!

Special treat for your today. Tim Partridge, Executive Vice President of Products and Technology for Dolby Laboratories went up to the plate and answered lots of questions for MTBS readers. He explained the technology, shared some Dolby history and experience, and discussed his vision of S-3D?s future. You can find his interview in the MTBS BLOG section by clicking on NEWS in the main menu, and click on MTBS BLOG at the top of the screen.

Tim Partridge(left), Executive VP of Dolby Laboratories,
and Neil Schneider, President & CEO of MTBS (right) at 3D Biz-Ex.

More pictures to share…

In other news, over the past week we have been doing a lot of upgrades to the site. We have an active image gallery, a cross-link from the forums, and more is in the works. There are still some bugs to work out, and if you are having any problems getting in the forums, with registering on MTBS, etc. please don?t hesitate to contact us to iron the bugs out. Thanks for your understanding!

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