We just have to commend Sony on the brilliance of this. For those unfamiliar, Sony recently launched (and ended) a program whereby you could get a PSVR headset for free along with Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim so you can try it out in the comfort of your own home. If you keep it past the trial period, your credit card gets billed a discounted $299 USD for the bundle.
While they only had 1,400 kits to distribute this way, we’re hoping it was a successful test marketing case. Think about it. You get more than a PSVR kit, you also get Skyrim which seemingly borders on being a lifetime commitment of going level to level and skill to skill. As long as the content is good enough, it makes for a difficult package to send back – especially with a heavily discounted $299 price tag.
Mind you, the price in itself is a double edged sword. Will people be keeping their PSVR because they are convinced it’s an awesome system? Or is it because the bundle is discounted $150 (from $450) and they would have bought it even if it wasn’t taken out of the box?