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CastAR Shut Down

By June 28, 2017March 24th, 2020News

According to Polygon, it looks like CastAR is out of the AR / VR game.  Their story had a somewhat romantic beginning: two laid of Valve employees inherited some IP they believed in, launched a successful Kickstarter, and had a go at developing a hybrid virtual and augmented reality device based on pico projectors and retroreflective material.

Despite staying out of the limelight for a couple of years, they raised $15 million in investment funding to carry the effort forward.  The cash came and went and the company has apparently ceased operations since.

According to Polygon, close to 70 employees were laid off, and we wish them our best.

The above video is with Brian Bruning, former CastAR / Technical Illusions employee who is now busy doing amazing things at Intel (has been for several years).

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