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SIGGRAPH 2016 Nearly Upon Us!

By July 22, 2016March 24th, 2020News
Siggraph Masthead
There are a few events we go to each year, and SIGGRAPH is one of them. In addition to a rich program featuring virtual reality and augmented reality, they are holding a new VR Village this year. The VR Village hosts a wide range of experimental ideas and projects with virtual reality, and this year’s edition features everything from a collaborative VR environment put together by Eon Reality to MechVR, an experimental simulator where you ride a giant biped robot – lots of fun!

One of the flagship exhibits is the VR Storylab which blends narrative-driven, 360-degree VR content in a physical lab environment. It provides an immersive adventure by showcasing a wide range of art, entertainment, academic, scientific, and experiential VR.

Then there is all the educational immersive content and discussions! It’s going to be an amazing show – looking forward to seeing everyone there!

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