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Nvidia Launches Gameworks VR

By November 19, 2015News

Big news from the Nvidia camp today! They have released their Gameworks VR SDK and service platform. Detailed in the above video, Gameworks VR is primarily a collection of tools and techniques that maximize their GPU performance in VR. Samples of this include:

  • Proper SLI support for virtual reality (one GPU per eye)
  • Multires shading which is about limiting render power to the pixels that are actually seen by the eye versus the whole screen space.
  • Context rendering which appears to be Nvidia’s branding for asynchronous timewarp at the driver level.
  • Direct Mode support is the recognition that the HMD is a unique display device versus an unnatural extension of the computer desktop.

Yay! Out of all the updates, we are most excited about their multires shading technique because this will create a much needed performance boost that doesn’t require brand new hardware to build from.

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