Big progress on confirming that there will be standing experiences! Brendan’s remark “you will be able to move around a little bit” sounded modest – maybe it was just done to satisfy their legal team. The Crescent Bay demos seemed to show off a lot more flexibility than this, so I’m hopeful.
From a distance, the product looks polished. Anyone who owns the wired DK2 mess can appreciate how much better this is. A comment caught my ear, though. When Brendan talked about the dinasaur, he mentioned that it would “swoop down and make eye contact with you”. Is there a chance that Oculus has eyetracking in the works that hasn’t been announced yet, or is it a head-tracking extrapolation? We’ll see!
I’m very surprised that there are no forward-facing cameras. It will be interesting to see if there is a USB connector and mounting bracket for add-on features that can be included later.
The relationship with Microsoft makes sense. The XBOX Controller…less so; but that’s just me. I don’t know how far the indie game developer program will get on $10 million; that doesn’t sound like nearly enough. They can afford to bump that up, I’m sure! I’m pleased to see there will be a several titles at launch, and we are looking forward to trying them out!
We’ll keep you posted on new developments as they come!