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MTBS-TV: The Randi Zuckerberg Keynote Address

By January 21, 2015March 24th, 2020News

The B.I.G. Summit was a BIG success!  That Mary Spio is a remarkable person who you will learn about a bit later.  For now, here is the keynote address from Randi Zuckerberg in its entirety.  Randi covered everything from online ethics and trends to virtual reality.  She was very entertaining; we doubt that her brother would break out in song like this!

AND…we had to take the video down.  Randi reached out, and while we had the go ahead to record, there was a conference speakers’ agreement that there is a 3 second limit.  We completely understand because as speakers go place to place, if their materials are readily available online, it diminshes the value of their work.  This is completely understandable.

We’ll probably craft an editorial to talk about the presentation as we thought it was very good.  It’s actually very cool that they even knew about the story.  Lots more stuff to share when we get back from our travels!

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