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Tom’s Hardware, Vireio Perception News

By October 23, 2014March 24th, 2020News
Tom's Hardware
This is a special thanks to Tom’s Hardware, the Immersed media sponsor.  As a lead-up to the event, they are going to be running a series of interviews of the industry movers and shakers that will be in Toronto this coming November 23-24.  They started with an ITA interview, and you’re going to see several fresh and influential faces leading up to the show.
An equal shout out goes to the Khronos Group, The Canadian 3D & Advanced Imaging Society, and more…to be announced! 😉

The $200 “gettingimmersed” discount code won’t be working much longer.  We only had a limited block available, and that will be running out soon.  We will have something else, but the budgets have to balance.

The other positive news is Vireio Perception 2.06 Nightly Build is out.  There are some memory leak and timewarp bug fixes which help with performance, and the early feedback has been very positive so far.  There is much more in the works that will be revealed later.

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