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Vireio Perception Getting Upgraded…Again!

By September 28, 2014March 24th, 2020News
New Vireio Perception Architecture

New Vireio Perception Architecture

Development of the free and open source Vireio Perception drivers continue!  We’d like to thank and welcome our latest Vireio developer Nikita Lozhkin.  It’s going to take awhile before we are ready to release public builds of this, but Nikita has been hard at work making vast improvements to the Vireio Perception drivers.

So far, the big victories include a new injection method that no longer requires copying the driver DLLs to game directories, and as shown above, a new interface that is much easier to use.  It also provides valuable diagnostic data that will help our volunteer coders solve bugs and improve game compatibility.

If all goes to plan, whatever ran before will continue to run with the new architecture…perhaps better.

Nikita will be a regular in the Vireio discussion forums under the alias Dreamnik.  Great stuff, Nikita!

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